The word “hoarding” probably evokes a particular image, made more common by shows like Hoarders that highlight extreme examples. In reality, not all hoarders have rooms full of items piled high to the ceiling.
The Institute for Challenging Disorganization (now, there’s a relatable title!) has classified hoarding behavior into five levels on their Clutter-Hoarding Scale.Level 1 Hoarding
At Level 1, a home is not pristine, but the space is still easily accessible and sanitary. There is clutter, but no concern for safety. Most, if not all of us, have been in Level 1. Many people spend most of their time in this stage.
Here are the defining characteristics of this level:
At Level 2, the home is still very livable, but there’s more evidence of disarray. The home is in need of cleaning and may be starting to overwhelm the residents. The hygiene level isn’t optimal.
Most of us bounce between Level 1 and Level 2. However, here are the more defining characteristics of Level 2:
Level 3 is considered the turning point between manageable household disorganization and a more serious issue. Level 3 homes show extreme disorganization and indicate hoarding behavior.
Here are the defining characteristics of this level:
Level 3 households should consider hiring outside help. Although, it’s still possible to get it under control with a concerted effort from the whole family
At Level 4, the home shows excessive clutter.Those living in Level 4 conditions need professional help. At this level, part of getting help includes professional cleaning to transform the house into a safe, hygienic space where people can thrive. Mental health counselors and social workers may also step in to help residents change their habits.
Here are the defining characteristics of this level:
Level 5 is the highest level of hoarding behavior. Level 5 homes are alarmingly hazardous.
They require professionals with safety equipment and training to clean.
Here are the defining characteristics of this level:
If you or someone you know is struggling with these levels of hoarding we are here to help.
You can find more information at or contact us at (205) 937-1708
Hoarding Is Extremely Common - And Helping Hoarders Is Our Passion |
Hoarding disorder is an ongoing difficulty throwing away or parting with possessions because you believe that you need to save them. You may experience distress at the thought of getting rid of the items. You gradually keep or gather a huge number of items, regardless of their actual value. Hoarding often creates extremely cramped living conditions with only narrow pathways winding through stacks of clutter. Countertops, sinks, stoves, desks, stairways and all other surfaces are usually piled with stuff. You may not be able to use some areas for their intended purpose. When there's no more room inside your home, the clutter may spread to the garage, vehicles, yard and other storage areas. Hoarding ranges from mild to severe. In some cases, hoarding may not have much impact on your life, while in other cases it seriously affects your daily functioning. People with hoarding disorder may not see it as a problem, so getting them to take part in treatment can be challenging. THE 5 LEVELS OF HOARDING LEVEL 1 - Minor Clutter LEVEL 2 - Clutter blocking one exit, pet feces in one area, some minor electrical/plumbing problems, overflowing trash cans, dirty dishes piling up, minor mold growth. LEVEL 3 - Extreme disorganization throughout home, insect infestation, piles of objects in key living areas, multiple broken appliances, spills not cleaned for days/weeks, one room not being used anymore for its intended purpose LEVEL 4 - Structural damage to home, plumbing not operating properly, excessive amount of pets and pet waste, clutter preventing most exits and stairs, rotting food, odors, sewage backups. LEVEL 5 - Severe unsanitary conditions, entire living space unusable, no ventilation, irreparable damage to home’s structure, no utilities working, pervasive mold, animals in home are danger to humans, larger pest infestation (rodents, snakes, insects), dead animals in home. Bio-One can help at any stage, and can help in any capacity. From helping families meticulously go through item by item to locate valuables, to helping getting ready for an estate sale, and emptying an entire house, performing demolition and deep cleaning sanitization - Bio-One is here to help. Bio-One also specializes in biohazard cleanup, mold remediation, sewage backup cleanup, rodent droppings cleanup, odor removal and more. Bio-One Huntsville: 256-677-6111 Bio-One Birmingham: 205-937-1708 Bio-One Montgomery: 334-523-9191 |
Have you ever seen hoarding shows on TV? Our team has first-hand experience remediating these situations with care and compassion. From clutter, trash, to animal hoarding, we understand that the removal of items can be stressful and sometimes overwhelming for families involved. Bio-One will make it a priority to establish trust to ensure everyone is comfortable and ready for each day to begin.
It's as simple as 1, 2, 3.
First, we always offer estimates at no cost to you. An experienced crew leader will tour the home and propose a plan based on your needs, expectations, and goals.
Second, our certified technicians are trained to be mindful of all possessions. We make it a priority to find and save items of value whether that's a wallet, coin collections, legal documents, photo albums, or baseball cards.
Third, we want to make sure you are 100% satisfied and happy with our work. If for some reason something else needs to be done, we are here for you.