Bio-One of Alabama decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Squirrel Poop Cleanup in Alabama


Squirrel Droppings Cleaning Services in Huntsville, Birmingham & Throughout AL

Squirrel, chipmunk, rat and any type of rodent waste is dangerous and must be cleaned up properly. This probably isn't something you think about that often, but you would be surprised at how often we find droppings in people's attics and crawlspaces.


Typically you will find out about it when you are selling or buying a home - your home inspector will likely find it. Or your pest control person perhaps. However, pest control doesn't clean up the poop - they just get rid of the pests!


It may not seem like a big deal, but squirrel and other rodents' droppings can harbor salmonellosis, hantavirus, tularemia, leptospirosis and many other dangerous pathogens and viruses. If you try to clean up these droppings yourself without the proper PPE and procedures, you are putting yourself at risk.


That's where we come in! Bio-One is Alabama's #1 Biohazard Cleanup Specialists, and we would love to clean up your rodent poop! With offices in Huntsville, Birmingham and Montgomery, Alabama, we are here to help anyone in need.


North Alabama - 256-677-6111


Central Alabama - 205-937-1708


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